Question: Please let me know whether diet or vitamins plays a role in reducing cancer risk?
Answer: Yes. Recent scientific literature suggests that eating right plays a very important role in reducing cancer risk and also in reducing cancer. In fact, our recent drug analysis and other scientific literature suggest that many of the fruits and vegetables consist of natural therapeutic agents that protect human body from cancer. Therefore, eating variety of fruits and vegetables can give you resistance against variety of diseases including cancer. In addition, we have observed that some of our drugs and other known drugs have similatrities with the function of some important vitamins. Therefore, we believe that taking daily recomended dosage of multivitamins may also protect human body against variety of diseases including cancer.
Question : My mother and/or close relatives suffered from breast cancer. Do you think it is a good idea that I should check for breast cancer symptoms?
Answer: Testing early for cancer is a good idea especially if family history suggests that there is a risk. Early diagnosis will lead to faster recovery (Remember every human has a mutation for some gene or other. you are not alone).
Question: Do you think, there will be a day when cancer can be cured?
Answer: Yes. Recent findings by scientists suggest that there is a major revolution in identiftying man made small molecules that target different cancers/ diseases. We think, there will be novel drugs that target cancers (targeted therapeutic agents). These will not act like chemotherapeutic agents that produce many side effects. We expect that these new agents will have little or no side effects. Scientists and Pharmaceutical companies are racing to get their hands on these novel drugs. No matter who succeeds, you are the winner.
These answers are mere suggestions/observations only. Please consult your doctor for final decisions.